Thursday, December 16, 2010
Help join us in our effort in making this a happier Holiday Season for everyone by supporting the New Beginnings Program.
Helping Families in need
New Beginnings Support Program is a charitable Agency that has been working in the community to help improve the quality of lives of women and children who need assistance.
Their services help empower women to become self-confident, self-sufficient, career-oriented and employable. The women develop life long skills in their personal, career and financial life. The transition creates better lives for themselves, their children and communities.
Their Goal is to help eliminate those barriers that prevent women from reaching their full personal, social and economic potential.
Many Thanks!
“Inspiring Whole Body Health”
Anita Ivic (Owner, Instructor, CYA, BFA)
Imprint Pilates
101 Spadina Ave Suite 103
Toronto ON M5V 2K2
Phone: 416 939 9545
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
This Holiday Season – Give the Gift of Whole Body Health!
Private Pilates
Semi-Private Pilates
Holistic Nutrition
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Massage Therapy
The re-connective Healing
Physio Therapy
Email me at for further details or visit our website
Studio Closed for the Holiday Season. Please note, the studio will be closed from December 24th – Dec 26th and Jan 31st – Jan 2nd. The studio will be open form Dec 20 – Jan 3rd with pre-arranged private classes however, and those clients who wish to come in should book an appointment.
Imprint Pilates
101 Spadina Ave Suite 103
Toronto ON M5V 2K2
Phone: 416 939 9545
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Imprint Pilates
Imprint Pilates
Private, one-on-one Pilates training is the focus at Imprint Pilates. We focus directly on your individual goals and desires, and you will see and feel the results immediately. As your body changes, your instructor will be there to modify and advance your workout to meet your changing needs. You will correct posture, strengthen muscle weaknesses and imbalances, relieve tension, and strengthen your core. Your body will be pain free, strong and flexible.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Imprint Pilates
Friday, October 8, 2010
Pilates Method Alliance explains Pilates
"I must be right. Never an aspirin. Never injured a day in my life. The whole country, the whole world, should be doing my exercises. They'd be happier." - Joseph Hubertus Pilates, in 1965, age 86
Over the past 15 years, much of the developed world has experienced the explosion in demand for Pilates. Pilates is a method of exercise and physical movement designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body. With systematic practice of specific exercises coupled with focused breathing patterns, Pilates has proven itself invaluable not only as a fitness endeavor, but also as an important adjunct to professional sports training and physical rehabilitation of all kinds.
Widely embraced by the professional dance community during much of the 20th century, the exercises -- "elephant," "swan", the language -- "pull navel to spine, and breeaaaathe," and the look -- bright-eyed, refreshed, buoyant-without-necessarily-sweating, are now commonly found in fitness classes, physical therapy offices, corporate retreats, luxury spas and wellness centers in the 21st century. With the aging of our population and the increasing trend toward mindful, moderate health practices, Pilates is increasingly found with a wait list at the YMCA, and in your local public schools--shaping the fitness ideals of our next generation.
Practiced faithfully, Pilates yields numerous benefits. Increased lung capacity and circulation through deep, healthy breathing is a primary focus. Strength and flexibility, particularly of the abdomen and back muscles, coordination - both muscular and mental, are key components in an effective Pilates program. Posture, balance, and core strength are all heartily increased. Bone density and joint health improve, and many experience positive body awareness for the first time. Pilates teaches balance and control of the body, and that capacity spills over into other areas of one's life.
Joseph Pilates, demonstrating the importance of his unique exercise equipment
Around 1914, Joseph Pilates was a performer and a boxer living in England, and at the outbreak of WWI, was placed under forced internment along with other German nationals in Lancaster, England. There he taught fellow camp members the concepts and exercises developed over 20 years of self-study and apprenticeship in yoga, Zen, and ancient Greek and Roman physical regimens. It was at this time that he began devising the system of original exercises known today as "matwork", or exercises done on the floor. He called this regimen "Contrology", meaning 'the science of control'. A few years later, he was transferred to another camp on the Isle of Man, where he became a nurse/caretaker to the many internees struck with wartime disease and physical injury. Here, he began devising equipment to rehabilitate his "patients," taking springs from the beds and rigging them to create spring resistance and "movement" for the bedridden. In a way, Pilates equipment today is not much different than that of yesteryear. Spring tension, straps to hold feet or hands, supports for back, neck and shoulder are as important now as they were then. Because of the remarkable nature of the equipment to both challenge and support the body as it learns to move more efficiently, the inimitably designed pieces truly act as a complement to the challenging "matwork" exercises.
Clara Pilates
While Joe was the outspoken force behind his method, his wife Clara quietly incorporated his concepts and exercises in ways that benefited more seriously ill or injured clients. Her approachable style and special techniques spawned a dedicated lineage of teachers whose work flows through and uniquely colors the landscape of the Pilates method today. It is perhaps because of Clara that Pilates is clearly recognized as a positive form of movement-based exercise that truly can be tailored to any level of not just fitness, but also of health.
Joseph Pilates, on natural movement and the period of time taken to study the human body.
First generation Pilates teachers, who knew Joe, maintain that he and Clara would be very happy and proud of the popularity and growth of Pilates. However, it is less clear how he might feel about the influx of "quickie trainings" available for would-be instructors wanting to be trained in a weekend or two. Joe worked at length with his own teachers, allowing them to assist and then finally teach after sometimes as long as 2 or 3 years of training and apprenticeship. He was quoted as saying, "Remember Rome was not built in a day.", and "Patience and persistence are vital qualities in the ultimate successful accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor."
While excellent training programs exist in the marketplace today, some are clearly condensed and homogenized, producing less-than-adequately qualified teachers. Prices for classes range from $10-$20 for group mat sessions, to upwards of $50-$100 for one hour of one-on-one instruction utilizing the full repertoire of Pilates equipment. Comprehensively, competently trained and knowledgeable teachers are the essential element in realizing one's potential as a client, and enjoying the process of learning Pilates.
For October, on Wednesdays and Saturdays if you see the massage chair out in the studio you are welcome to take 15 sitting minutes on the chair to receive a complimentary chair massage.
Reflexology Feet are so important as our foundation to good health, and a reflexology session addresses stress in our bodies to bring about greater internal harmony and relaxation. This greater sense of balance for various body areas can be achieved by applying pressure to their corresponding reflex points on the feet. Onyx was trained at Kikkawka College in reflexology as part of the Registered Massage Therapy program and bring this education along with her knowledge as an RMT to reflexology. Reflexology may be incorporated within your bodywork session in which some time is allotted for attention to the feet, or it may constitute the entire focus for the session with work only on the feet. Click here for Onyx's contact details. |
Imprint Nutrition
Autumn is here and so is one of the most popular foods of the season: PUMPKIN! It usually brings to mind harvest season, Thanksgiving or Halloween! Whether you're making a pumpkin pie filling, or carving a jack-o-lantern, it is important to note that the bright colored and hearty pumpkin is one of the most nutritionally dense foods available. It's truly a food to be grateful for, and some of its amazing benefits include...
- Fiber - good for digestive and bowel health
- Alpha & Beta-Carotene - a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce cholesterol build-up and heart health
- Carotenoids - bright color pigment that helps to build a strong immune system
... Not to mention other immune boosting and heart healthy nutrients such as Vitamins C & E, Potassium, Magnesium, and zinc.
Enjoy them steamed, baked, and in soups or try this delicious and unique tasting recipe for Smokey Pumpkin Hummus that can be spread in a wrap with veggies or served up as an appetizer with crudités at Thanksgiving dinner or a Halloween party.
Smokey Pumpkin Hummus Recipe:
Treat SAD Before daylight savings...
While the true origin is not known according to Western medicine, it is thought that decreased levels of the hormone melatonin caused from the limited exposure to sunlight in the winter are involved. Other factors that may contribute to SAD include genetics, hormones, and more....